BBI - TWO Upcoming "Annual General Meetings"

BBI will conduct two Annual General Meetings (AGM) this year for Governance Compliance, one specific to each of the past two financial years.
Community members are invited to attend both of these upcoming meetings as presented below. To provide for catering needs, RSVP is requested for each.
Why Two Annual General Meetings?
Last year a combination of Covid and operational changes resulted in no FY2019-2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) being held. To address the governance requirement for annual general meetings with focus specific to operations for each financial year, we will conduct a meeting for the past 2 financial years, being FY2019-2020 and FY2020-2021. We will conduct an Annual General Meeting specific to each of these financial years as summarised below.
2019-2020 Annual General Meeting (specific to Financial Year 2019-2020) When: 5pm, Thursday, 2 September 2021 Where: The Cidery, 43 Gifford Rd, Bridgetown RSVP requested by 26 August (nibbles will be provided)
This Annual General Meeting will address business related to the group's operations
in the 2019-2020 financial year. Covid-19 has not been very helpful to us all and made it difficult since the early part of 2020 and 2021 for BBI staff and management committee members to complete operational and governance requirements. These matters have now been rectified and the 2020 AGM has been called for the 2nd September.
Please RSVP using the following link: YES I WILL ATTEND BBI 2020 AGM 2Sep2021
2020-2021 Annual General Meeting (specific to Financial Year 2020-2021, with look ahead) When: 5pm, Thursday, 25 November 2021 Where: The Cidery, 43 Gifford Rd, Bridgetown RSVP requested by 18 November (nibbles will be provided)
This Annual General meeting will be specific to the operations of the immediate past financial year, 2020-2021, along with discussions regarding current and future operational plans. This AGM will be conducted in November to allow sufficient time for finalisation of the 2020-2021 reporting requirements and related Independent Audits. The 2021 AGM has been called for the 25th November.
Please RSVP using the following link: Yes I WILL ATTEND BBI 2021 AGM 25Nov2021