Plant Pests
Blackwood Biosecurity has prioritised the following Declared Weeds for special focus in our operational area: Narrow Leaf Cotton Bush, Paterson’s Curse, Bridal Creeper, Cleavers, Blackberry and Cape Tulip.
Other invasive weeds will be ongoing in response to community consultation.
Weed control and eradication requires strategic landscape planning, persistence and timing and usually more than one technique delivered at critical times in the plant’s growth cycle.
We will continue to research better biological and non-biological weed control agents and methods and share them with you via this website, our e-newsletter, workshops and demonstrations.
You could also check out Southern Weeds and their control by John Moore and Judy Wheeler. This booklet can be used to identify weeds and how to control it in your backyard.
Declared Pest control can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole of the landscape. Our Operational Plan aims to support this process.
See our Annual Weed Plan here.
Click on the images below to find out more.