Bridal Creeper Workshop - 31st July - Bridgetown

31 July - Bridal Creeper Control Workshop 11am until Noon at the Ashbil Community Garden, Stewart Street, BRIDGETOWN
Join us for this free, informative workshop to share information about effective Bridal Creeper Control strategies, including demonstrations.
Please register for this workshop using the link below: REGISTER FOR BRIDAL CREEPER WORKSHOP
Come along to the Community Garden on Saturday 31st July for:
9am - 11ish: Monthly Produce Market Day
9:30 - 11am Herbal Teas & Health Benefits Workshop
11am - Noon: BBI Bridal Creeper Controls Workshop
You are welcome to stay after the workshop for discussions with our weeds experts!
Bridal Creeper is a declared pest and a Weed of National Significance, one of 32 agreed on by the Australian Government. These weeds are a priority because they are invasive, have a huge potential to spread and a huge potential to have social, economic, and environmental impacts.
It is "everywhere"! It invades bushland, smothers native plants & reduces the health and diversity of our natural areas.
Bridal Creeper has been present in our district for a long time, possibly a hundred years. It is a weed of creeklines, the Blackwood River, edges of bushland and your garden. Originally from South Africa where it has many natural control agents, it is very much at home here in the south west. It climbs over native vegetation, smothering it, preventing understorey from growing and creating a monoculture of foreign plants that do not provide for the specialised needs of our local fauna. Bridal Creeper is spread by birds, foxes and rabbits.