Welcome Executive Officer, Tracy Zemunik

Blackwood Biosecurity warmly welcomes our new Executive Officer, Tracy Zemunik Since commencing in this role in late November 2021, Tracy has hit the ground running as a hands-on leader, committed to having a good understanding of community priorities and BBI’s related role, resources and capabilities relative to the management of declared pests within our area.
To better understand needs, Tracy has been meeting with community members through participation in local events and being directly involved in delivery of services. She will continue to work closely with the BBI Management Committee and DPIRD toward optimising the planning and implementation of the group's operations to best serve landholders within our operational area
As part of the restructure of Blackwood Biosecurity Inc (BBI), Tracy Zemunik was appointed as the new Executive Officer and commenced on 22nd November. Mrs. Zemunik, based in Bridgetown, has a background in executive financial management, governance and controls with a passion for community engagement and developing sustainable agricultural practices. As Executive Officer, she will lead BBI with a focus on providing effective, strategic management engaging local expertise and resources to best achieve community objectives and support landholders across BBI’s operational area in the management of declared pests.
Per Margaret Morton, BBI Management Committee Chair, “Tracy brings tremendous strategic planning and financial management expertise to our group. The BBI management committee is excited to have her onboard and look forward to working with her as she assembles and directs a new team that will provide great benefit to our ratepayers in minimising the impact of declared pests in our area.”
Mrs. Zemunik is passionate about our area and about her new role, “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead BBI on a journey in a fresh direction with focus on collaboration, education, advocacy and best practice. I am currently working with our Management Committee for the formation of a new team bringing together the right experience and local knowledge for our area to provide true value across our communities. Meaningful engagement with our stakeholders is key to our mission to really understand pest management priorities, concerns and challenges and to advocate for those landholders where extra support is needed. In my role, I will strive to achieve effective partnerships and programs that best serve our ratepayers while also ensuring transparency and accountability. I love our unique and diverse area and feel that each of us has an important role to play in protecting our land. We all know that that pests and weeds do not stop at fences or shire boundaries, and to achieve region-wide impacts we must use our collective knowledge and resources as best we can."