What are your options for Fox, Feral Cat and Pig Control?
Blackwood Biosecurity will bring together a group of experts to help you find out at a free workshop at the Bridgetown Pottery on Friday 16th June 2017.

Whether you live in town, on a small property or farm they’ll find a range of options that are practical for you…... and you CAN be successful, with hands-on training, the benefit of years of practice and some back-up assistance.
You will learn about feral animal behavior and biology, recognise signs of feral animals, be shown how, where and when to set traps and practice with coaching in the field.

Dr. Peter Adams’ insight into the feral pig situation in the south west is not to be missed.

Learn how to use the new Canid Pest Injector, make egg baits, whistle up a fox using a whistle or clever phone app and discover the wonders of night vision equipment.

Then, sign up to for deposit only hire of our and feral cat traps and put your skills to work on your property.